Posts tagged South Africa
South Africa’s Christian And Muslim Political Parties Highlight Voting Irregularities

Over 20 political parties, including Muslim and Christian ones, joined in their objection to the announced results of South Africa’s national elections held last week, citing a myriad of voting irregularities. According to them, the identified irregularities were serious widespread systemic deficiencies and undermined votes casted by millions of South Africans. The parties said they require a recount of votes, while others requested a re-election.

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Prominent Pastor Accuses South African President Of Vote-Buying Scheme

A prominent South African pastor said God will judge the ruling African National Congress for “robbing the poor” and attempting to corrupt the church in a vote-buying scheme that mixed religion with politics. The stern rebuke came after it was reported that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa of the ANC had pledged to build 1,000 houses for members of the Shembe Baptist Church.

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Ministry At Sea: Ship Travels To South Africa To Spread The Gospel

The OM Ship, carrying a crew of 350 missionaries from 70 nations, arrived at the Richards Bay’s port in the Eastern Cape in South Africa for their five-month ministry stay earlier this year. They are currently stationed at five South African ports and are expected to complete their work in June. 

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How Easter Became A Holy Time For Some Hindus And Muslims

Even though the days of slavery and indentured labor in South Africa are long gone, the Hindu and Muslim festivities that take place on Easter weekend have become beloved occasions for their respective communities. In a variety of ways, South African Hindus and Muslims have made the Christian holiday their own.

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The Catholic Church Takes On Those Who Exploit South Africa’s Poor

Over the years, the Catholic church in South Africa has devoted itself to helping the poorest of the poor in this most unequal society to take on mighty entities in their quest to regain long lost dignity. The church began shepherding a class action against the country’s three major coal mining firms seeking compensation for sick former workers and their families who died as a result of lung disease and other associated illnesses.

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South Africa And The Legacy Of Jackrollers

The gangsterism style of rape dwindled when South Africa gained its freedom on April 27, 1994. Yet, rape is coming to a rise in a different dimension. Many homes are affected by fathers and brothers who are victimizing and raping their own wives, mothers, daughters and sisters. What is now appalling is the reported recurring incidents of rapes that women and children suffer at the hands of some of the clergy. 

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After Pope Francis Visit, DRC Opens Baha’i House of Worship

It’s hoped that the new Baha’i house of worship in Kinshasa, Congo, which over 2,000 people from across the central African nation and around the world attended the official inauguration of, will be a “force for social betterment,” said Rachel Kakudji of the Baha’i Office of External Affairs there.

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Maradona Cedes His Throne To Messi

In a country as economically and socially unstable as Argentina, with almost 47 million people, 100% annual inflation in 2022 and 40% of the population below the poverty line, when a messianic figure capable of changing daily frustrations for joy appears, he is charged with that responsibility: He gives the right not to suffer during the hour and a half that a soccer match lasts.

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South African Ministers Face Poverty Without Secular Jobs

For South African preachers, salary often comes with stigma. Many of the country’s first Churches of Christ were planted by missionaries — who also served as their first ministers, supported only by sponsoring churches in the U.S. As these churches transitioned from mission work to independent congregations, missionaries were hesitant to stress the importance of financially supporting future ministers.

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Missionary Pilot Detained In Mozambique After Relief Supplies Flagged

An American missionary pilot serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship is being held in a maximum-security prison in Mozambique on charges he supported insurgents in the country. Ryan Koher, 31, was detained Nov. 4 along with two South African volunteers. He had been scheduled to fly supplies, including vitamins, to church-run orphanages.

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Agape Flows Provides Menstrual Products To South African Girls

Pinkie Makua founded her faith-based nonprofit, Agape Flows, out of her Southern Africa Bible College dorm room to provide impoverished girls with menstrual products so they won’t miss school due to limited access to necessary hygienic items — an unconventional ministry, but a “fulfillment of pure religion.”

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South Africa’s Faith Groups Counter Rising Xenophobic Attacks On Migrants

Amid increased attacks against migrants, faith-based groups around South Africa are launching several projects to counter xenophobia. The interfaith community has developed a national Hate Crimes Working group that is speaking out against violent attacks and providing practical help to victims.

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Children Across Africa And Asia Celebrate Nelson Mandela Day interviewed 11 children celebrating Nelson Mandela International Day on July 18 from Botswana, South Africa, Nigeria and India about the late president of South Africa. Mandela spent 27 years of his life incarcerated for his fight against racial discrimination against Black people by the South African apartheid government.

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South African Church Leaders Ponder Policy Woes As They Celebrate Anniversary Of Soweto Uprising

Some churches and religious organizations have adopted the government’s theme in their events and preaching. To highlight the importance of education, it has become a norm for the older generation to go to work or attend church services and business meetings wearing school uniforms. This significant event has drawn the world’s attention to South Africa since 1976.

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Jokes And Big Questions: The Babylon Bee Meets With Elon Musk And Learns A Few Things

(Opinion) The Babylon Bee sat down with Elon Musk to talk about topics including why entrepreneurs are fleeing California, sustainable energy, superheroes, the physics of reusable rockets, cyborgs, how wokeness threatens humor and the future of a planet near an expanding sun. The podcast concluded with Elon Musk talking about his faith.

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Desmond Tutu: A Role Model For Indian Church Leaders

(OPINION) As South Africa’s first Black Anglican archbishop and Nobel prize winning human rights advocate, the Rev. Desmond Tutu tapped into India’s freedom struggle and learned organizing strategies from Mahatma Gandhi. Today, Indian church leaders are leaning from Tutu’s example to heal divisions of caste, class and religion.

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Saki Macozoma Shares How Anti-Apartheid Leader Desmond Tutu Restored His Faith

While the world continues to pay tribute to the late Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu — who fought against apartheid and brought racial reconciliation to South Africa — his spiritual son, business mogul and anti-apartheid activist Saki Macozoma fondly reflected with on the special moments they shared.

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Desmond Tutu, Anti-Apartheid Cleric, Dies At 90: How Religious And World Leaders Remembered Him

Desmond Tutu, who fought tirelessly for the end apartheid in his native South Africa and won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, died Sunday at the age of 90. Religious and political leaders in his homeland and across the world sent stirring tributes in the hours following his death.

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Polyandry Proposal Infuriates Religious Groups in South Africa

South Africa’s leading religious and cultural groups are pushing back hard against a proposed marriage law — originally aimed at combating discrimination against religious minorities — that would also allow South African women to have more than one husband at one time. Since 91% of South Africa’s 16,000 marriage officers are faith leaders, the voice of religious leaders carries a lot of weight on the issue.

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